Sunday, March 15, 2015

C4T #2 Dianne's Digital Discoveries

Dianne's Digital Discoveries is a blog written by Dianne Krause, the purpose of her blog is to share websites and different technological resources that can help improve the educational system.

Banner from Dianne's blog
Summary Post 1:
In Dianne's post 11/13/14 she explains that Wikipedia used to be a great resource for students in schools to use to easily find information. Unfortunately it has become unreliable because of the editing feature which allows anyone to edit or even tamper with information making it inaccurate.  She provides a link for a new Wikipedia called Wikipedia For Schools which can be used by anyone and it provides access to articles and information that has been proof-read and is dependable.

My Comment Post 1: 

Hi Dianne, I enjoyed your post, and I’m very excited to be able to depend on wikipedia again as a reliable source. I remember doing projects using only wikipedia while I was in primary school and then suddenly, every teacher instructed us not to use it as a source because of the editing issue. I’m currently studying at USA to be an elementary school teacher and I look forward to using Wikipedia For Schools with the students because I do believe it can be such a wonderful source and it’s so easy to navigate. Here’s a link to my blog for my EDM310 class if you’d like to check it out,
Justine Spicciani

Summary Post 2:
In Dianne's most recent post, 2/26/2015 she gives great tools to use for formative assessment in the classroom. Included in her post is a link for The Best 8 Web Tools for Doing Formative Assessment in Class, in this link it gives eight examples of websites you can use to help create an interactive learning eviroment where students can submit their answers through devices such as a computer, smartphone or even a remote.

My Comment Post 2:

Hello Dianne, Thanks for posting this!
In college we have been using iclicker for a biology course of mine. I really like the quick feedback that it provides. I appricate the links for more useful tools for formative assesment.
-Justine Spicciani

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